

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Nablopomo post no. 21 - Trulicity Week 2

 Some of the side effects of nausea and belching are present. On average, however, my daily fasting blood glucose has come down by 20 points. I've been a fool a few times over the last two weeks and ate like I didn't have diabetes. My blood sugar went high and I felt like garbage. Thus, Trulicity is not a cure all, like the ads like to make it out to be.

I'm a little nervous about Turkey Day. That's going to be a wide range of food, with a good amount of it not exactly carb friendly. Now approximately a third of the adults at the table are diabetic. I am wondering what my curmudgeon of a FiL is going to say about the dishes we put on the table. If he complains there's too many vegetables, I might stab him with a fork. Last year was a close call when he made that comment with out even trying what I had cooked.

He tries to come off as a bafoon but sounds like a spoiled brat. It makes me angry when he comments on my cooking and doubly so when he comments on Beloved's cooking. This is part of why I am dreading tomorrow.

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