

Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday Menu Week of 5/25/2020

I realized that I haven't posted one of these in a while. Life's been busy. Yesterday was Beloved's birthday. We were busy doing stuff and I didn't exactly have time to blog. Saturday was equally busy. On one hand, it was all a good kind of busy. Beloved got to have a chance to relax and enjoy some RPG fun with some friends via the internet. The kids have made significant progress on cleaning their room. (Snuggle Bug's paper mess is starting to get under control and you can actually see the floor.) Cuddle Bear has been throwing a lot of "what if...?" questions around and some of them stumped me. Like "What if the Yellowstone super volcano erupts?" and "What if the Yellowstone super volcano goes dormant?" He's been really interested in it since watching an infographic video a few weeks ago.

Enough rambling, here's the menu. I lost the link to the chart generator, so it's going to be a list.

Breakfasts have been stuff like cereal and eggs. It's kinda boring, but it's been difficult to come up with something more exciting that doesn't drain my energy first thing in the morning. Lunches for the boys and I have been provided by the school. They're random but mostly tasty. Beloved has been having his usual sandwich and ramen noodle soup for lunches. I anticipate this will continue through the week. I think we have enough ramen.

Sunday dinner: Pizza

Monday dinner: Burgers Takeout because it was so hot today.

Tuesday dinner: Tacos (meat cooked in the crock pot)

Wednesday dinner: Chicken stew with biscuits (cooked in the crock pot)

Thursday dinner: Pasta salad with tuna

Friday dinner: Breakfast for dinner

Saturday dinner: Chicken nuggets with fries.

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