

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

All Hail Bill Nye the Science Guy!

This morning's home-schooling session was off to a smooth start. The kids did their reading and their reading log with out complaint. Then came math. My 5th grade child decided that subtraction problems were too hard and chose to do a multiplication worksheet. My 7th grade child whipped through his flash cards like they were no big deal. Then came the question of what to do about social studies.

That was when I remembered that Youtube has educational videos. We spent about 45 minutes watching fact videos about former Presidents, the White House, and what the job of being President of the United States entails. The kids were fascinated. I decided to take a different approach than doing a science experiment with them this afternoon. I set them up with Bill Nye the Science Guy's video about rocks. They loved it. That was about when Billy's teacher did her weekly call in to see how we're hanging in.

Billy told her all about the rocks he was learning about and what his favorite type of rock is (granite because it has crystals in it). When he passed the phone over to me, she was still chuckling about his joke "science rocks." We discussed what the school's plans were going forward on the educational front. They were surprised by the amount of the community that didn't have internet access or a computer for their child to use. So, now they're scrambling to find away to supply resources for the kids. At the same time, the teachers are being trained in how to use Google classroom.

I don't know how this is going to go. I have a feeling that the school is going to have a much harder time getting devices to families that don't have a computer for their kids to use and assisting them with internet access than they are with providing meals to the district's families. I'm thinking that I will continue to make my lesson plans and worksheets for a bit longer while the school sorts out what they're doing. And make the kids watch Bill Nye when they get sick of me explaining how things work to them.

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