

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Insert title here.

I am moderately depressed. This is an improvement over where I was at a few weeks ago. I am displeased with the fact that my doctor confirmed that my symptoms are perimenopause. I just turned 40 in November. I am early for this to be happening. I thought I had a little more time before it happened. I have somewhere around seven years of this crap to look forward to. I feel generally miserable and moody. Because hormones.

I am hoping that this will improve. According to my doctor, these things go in something of a cycle. Because I don't have enough shit with cycles going on in my life. I've been told to track my symptoms. I'm just tired of logging everything. I do a lot of mood tracking because of my bipolar. I log my food and my blood sugar levels because of the diabetes. I log my exercise habits because of the diabetes. I keep a daily journal of things to do and things that need to be done because I have kids with stuff going on in their lives.

I'm exhausted from this. And now I have something new to log and track. I'm so tired of this. But I can't stop because if I do, bad things will happen. I'll forget something important and things will go sideways. I'll have no idea why my blood sugar is high or forget to monitor it. So, I have to keep logging every damn thing.

I'd prefer to be filling up notebooks with stories and poems. It's been hard to write because I feel so down about it all. And I feel like I'm a fraud when it comes to writing. Because I haven't had the spoons to push marketing my work. Because I have been struggling to have the spoons to blog about anything at all. Because all it seems to be is my doing therapy oriented writing all the time.

I know someone somewhere will read this and feel a burst of triumphant whatever. They'll be happy that I'm miserable right now. To that person, go fuck yourself with a chainsaw.

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