

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

How do I 'girl' properly?

My face was really itchy. So, I decided I was going to scrub it and make it really clean, followed by moisturizing everything. Now my face is bright red and even more itchy. I don't think I had a reaction to anything. But maybe I am wrong. The soap I used was a gentle soap for babies. The scrub I used is one that I've never had a reaction to before. And the lotion is one that I have never had a reaction to.

I don't know if this is just my skin is mad at me for the fact that I scrubbed it or if I'm having a reaction to something. I don't know much about skincare. Honestly, I'm really ignorant about it. I'm even more ignorant about makeup. Because my skin reacts to just about everything, I can't use most products. So, I never really learned how to do this stuff.

Here I am trying to figure it out on my own and I think I just made a mess of it all. At least I am not breaking out into hives or anything. Maybe the itchy feeling is the same one that I get when my skin is really dry and I put moisturizer on it. I'm going to go with that thought for now. Because anything else is just going to be upsetting on some level because I feel like I failed at basic 'girl' behavior.

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