

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Headache, go away.

Dear Reader,

I had a migraine this morning. It sucked. It sucked the life out of me for most of the day. It was stupid luck that I was awake when the landlord stopped by to fix the light in the entryway and replace the battery in the smoke detector that has been chirping for a while. Did I mention that the smoke detector is 8 ft in the air, at least. They didn't advertise high ceilings in the apartment, but the back hallway and the bathroom have high ceilings. High enough that you need a real ladder for a 6ft tall man to reach the ceiling and replace the stupid battery in the stupid smoke detector but it takes forever because there is TWO smoke detectors and you have to test both to figure out which one is the one that actually works.

One used to be hardwired in and has been left in place because there is a hole in the ceiling there. Of course that one doesn't work. And the other was a pain to deal with because you had to use a screwdriver to open it up and get into the guts of it to replace a 9 volt battery. It was annoying. Can you tell I am annoyed with the affair? The landlord was bemused with it all. That only added to my irritation. It was the fact that he had the gall to ask if there was anything else to be fixed while he was there. I was so gob smacked I didn't rattle off the list of the door frame that's coming apart in the kids room, the sink that gurgles loudly when ever a quantity of water goes down the drain ANYWHERE in the building, or the electrical outlet that is getting loose again.

I just stared at him in disbelief as he walked out cheerfully, as if he were some kind of minor hero. I loathe this man. He didn't even notice the door slamming behind him. The front door that has one of those hinges that is supposed to keep it from slamming, slammed because it is broken. According to theory, he has painters working on sprucing up the interior of the building and there will be contractors coming in to fix the hole in the entryway ceiling. I suspect hell will freeze over first.

I have had a headache all day. It makes me a little grumpy. But not as grumpy as that made me.

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