I don't generally pay much attention to the Christian Science Monitor. There was something about
their article about Texas Governor Rick Perry that caught my eye. So, I sat down and read the article. I was fully prepared for someone to be softening his very 'conservative' views in an attempt to make him more palatable to others. I was prepared for a bias in his favor because he is a highly visible and politically well connected individual who supports the aggressively evangelical face of the Christian faith in the United States. Thus prepared, I read the article and my jaw hit the floor.
I then did a little digging to see if they were actually sugar coating just how far to the 'Right' he was. Then I read what
Forbes had to say about him and this prayer rally that went on today. I read the
official 'about Rick Perry' page, the
Wikipedia entry, and several other pages (including his Facebook page). As I learned more about the man, the more disturbing the idea of his having influence over a state, let alone on a national level, became.
Sure, he has done some impressive things. He's got a squeaky clean image and the camera seems to love him. His positions on economic matters are interesting. This, however, doesn't make up for the fact that he endorses the concepts espoused by the
American Family Association of Tupelo and similar organizations:
- The protections of the First Amendment apply solely to Christians.
- Homosexuality is a moral threat to the nation.
- Abortion should be illegal.
I could go on, but these are the three
big turnoff's for me. The protections of the First Amendment are inviolate and extend to
all citizens of the United States regardless of their religious affiliation. Any movements to some how curtail this should be regarded with great resistance. It is the First Amendment that makes our nation great. I'm not saying we're perfect, but the fact that you can, among other things, speak your mind freely and practice your religion freely is a strength.
highly object to the argument that homosexuality is a moral threat to the nation. Homosexuality has been around for a very, very long time. The idea that it is suddenly this
new threat is preposterous. Among the minds that lead to the development of this nation, were most undoubtedly homosexuals. Their sexual orientation didn't undermine the establishment of this nation. It's pretty safe to assume that there's a percentage of the population who fought to establish and maintain this nation through out history were homosexuals.
I think it's safe to say that homosexuality is a non-issue on the matter of the welfare of the nation. Logic aside, the argument of
moral threats to the nation should be suspended. Why? Because
moral issues are
religious issues. Please, refer back to the First Amendment on this issue if you need to have that position of mine clarified. It's pretty simple.
Abortion is
not the problem. It has been made out to be the problem when the majority of abortions are performed for
medical reasons. As a matter of course, the idea of abortion for the sake of birth control is not going to be the preferred method, unlike what many of the anti-abortion folks insist. Making the medical procedure illegal returns us to where women are at an increased risk of dying during pregnancy. Depending on how the law is phrased, a naturally occurring miscarriage can be illegal.
As a woman who has six miscarriages, I
take great offense at this prospect. The idea that a woman who has already been traumatized by the loss of her child could then be facing
murder charges sets my blood boiling. Unfortunately, the anti-abortion groups that have the strongest lobbing presence support laws that would criminalize women like myself. The medical community doesn't fully understand why miscarriages happen. To take something nebulous like that and criminalize it sets the precedent for greater injustices for the sake of the 'social conscience.'
I am dearly hoping that Rick Perry is just a flash in the pan. If, by some weird happenstance, he does prove to be the Republican candidate, I'll be one of the folks doing their best to get people NOT to vote for him. People like that, who regard the Constitution as applying
only to them, are dangerous. It's only a small ideological jump to fascism.