

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Damn bronchitis.

 I've had bronchitis since Sunday. It started out as a head cold and dropped into my chest Saturday. Then I was coughing up ugly stuff with my nose running like a faucet. It was awful. The doctor did a telemedicine visit Monday with me and prescribed a z-pack at the 'doc is not fucking around' dosage. I have a fever that's been bouncing up and down between 99 and 98 degrees (I typically am 96.8 deg when I'm healthy). So, I've been woozy and spaced out for the last several days. The world feels like it's spinning and my sense of balance hasn't been the best because of it. 

Now, Cuddle Bear's caught this stupid thing. I am really hoping it will just be a nasty cold and that he won't get bronchitis from it. I kept him home from school today because he's got that wicked sore throat that came at the beginning. This is the same stupid cold that he had a few weeks ago and his brother had last week. It's really exasperating to feel too fucked up because of this cold to stay on top of my chores and other shit. Just my daily tasks, not even talking about starting on yule presents or anything. (Which I need to do soon or people won't be getting anything.)

Beloved caught it and had the sniffles. I love that man and envy the hell out of his immune system. When ever I get sick, it seems, that I am flat on my back and in bed because of it, where as he basically sneezes a time or two and then is fine. I mentioned my envy last night and he said, "Hey, somebody has to stay upright and take care of you guys." I couldn't argue with that position. Not when the guy went out of his way to find me diabetic friendly cheesecake that doesn't taste too horrible in his opinion. 

This cold/bronchitis situation has been playing havoc with my blood sugar numbers. My fasting numbers have been low. I was mildly alarmed this morning when I saw that it was 77. I've never had a number that low before. I didn't feel hungry at all but I made myself eat a full breakfast before I went about my morning routine. When I checked my blood sugar an hour later it was 180. A bit high, but a lot better than 77.

I feel pretty rotten right now. I'd be writing other stuff, but I can't follow a thought to completion really. I'm really spaced out right now. Stupid bronchitis and fever screwing with my life. I've got shit to do and this is in the way on top of all the other stuff that was making it hard to get it done. As I've been spaced out and frustrated, I've got one of the people in my head very firmly telling me to rest because I'm useless if I push myself too hard. Well, more than one. But, when the voices in your head have come to a consensus that you must rest, and they don't typically agree on everything, you should probably listen to them.

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