I'll state it again. I get that you're tired of Covid-19 and all the restrictions. I get that you want to go back to life like it was before Covid-19 showed up. I get that you feel stifled with the mask rules and the social distancing. It's restrictive and unpleasant. I can empathize with your discontent and ire.
You do understand, however, that these rules, restrictions, and such like are keeping people like me safe? I'm not the only immuno-compromised person out there. There's a lot of us. The ages range from tiny little newborn babies to elderly nursing home residents. You may think only of the extremes for whom these restrictions are keeping safe but there's plenty of us who are in that in between age group who appreciate your keeping us safe as well.
There's talk of a vaccine. Rumors are its going to go to the most vulnerable populations first. I don't believe our government is that effective. I think it's going to go to the people that it is most profitable to send it to first. I mean, let's look at how testing kits went out way back at the beginning of this. If we're lucky and we keep playing ball, we might see the vaccine available to 70 to 80 percent of the population by next JUNE.
The trick here is to hold the line. It's not the doctors and hospital workers who are on the front line of keeping this pandemic under control in our individual towns and homes. It is us, the famous We the People. I know you're tired and this is very stressful. It's been very tiring and stressful for those of us who have been trapped in our homes since this began. It's been very tiring and stressful for everyone. We, however, are strong enough together when we work together to survive this.
Please, work together. Please stick with the mask rules, social distancing, and other rules that come along so that we can get through this mess faster. Because the more we work together, the quicker we can find our way out of this mess.
Keep your shield up and push forward. In this case, your shield is your mask. We can do this.