

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Sleep Hates Me.

 Hi folks,

It's been a while since I posted and I apologize. Everything seems to be going haywire. No great tragedies (knocks wood) just many basic things going sideways at the least helpful time.

If you've been following my intermittent posts about health stuff, you may recall there was a suspicion that I have long Covid at one point. My general practitioner hit me with a battery of questions and ruled out long Covid. He did however suggest sleep apnea. He's ordered a test for it and I'm a bit nervous.

Beloved rested with me a few nights ago as I got into deep sleep. In the space of two hours, I was choking for breath twelve times. I think I woke up one or two of those times, but, yeah, that's a thing. The doctor I have been referred to hasn't contact me yet, so I'll be calling their office to try to schedule this thing. It all makes me as nervous as a cat in a rocking chair factory.

My exhaustion during the day is proving to be a significant problem. I lose half a day to it on average every day. Some days it's worse. I didn't have this problem before. It may have begun way back in August of 2021. I don't know. All I really do know is that this is slowly getting worse. I tried looking up information about sleep apnea. Don't do it folks, get your information from the doctors because everything else will tell you that you're dying. (Usually my research gets decent information, this time I was unsuccessful.)

I just want to go to bed, sleep peacefully (aka with out nightmares just about every night), and wake up functional. I feel like it's too much to ask. We'll see how things go with this test and what the sleep specialist has to say. It may be that I can come off of my medications to help me stay asleep from my psychiatrist. He's of the opinion that if you need the medicine take it, if you turn out to be negatively impacted by it or it doesn't help, you find another route to your goal. He's a pretty awesome doctor, to be honest.