

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Recreated story.

A long while back, I wrote a story wherein Loki showed up and punished a man for assaulting a woman. It got eaten back when Triond was having issues and then eventually gone for good. After some effort, I've managed to mostly recreate it with some minor changes. The ending is different but I figured if I was rewriting the thing I should make the ending a little more vague. I was planning a short series of stories of this sort wherein Loki shows up and does things in Midgard for reasons no one but him and the gods know.

Mr. Naalson
He walked through the office with an air of command. It wasn't conscious. As a deity in a human body, somethings just happened. Loptr Naalson was the man's name and he was here for a job interview. The plate glass window of the distorted his reflection and he seemed much taller. His red hair was cut short, almost short enough to resemble a military man's cut a few weeks out of boot camp. A tastefully trimmed beard and mustache hid a scar on his lip that never fully faded. His suit was black, his dress shirt was black, and his tie was black. The tie tack was an elaborate knot that he didn't expect anyone to recognize anymore. He chose it because it amused him to wear a rendition of his bindings for this expedition to Midgard. On his left wrist was a steel watch that seemed to have a dead battery. On his right was a medical id bracelet, also of steel. It was symbolic of what he couldn't escape on one level. At the same time, it was subtle enough that no one would recognize what they truly were. The irony of the id bracelet stating he was deathly allergic to mistletoe was as dark as the cause of his binding. But that was a tale for another day.
The secretary happened to be a handsome young man just out of his twenties. As they walked to the office where the interview was going to take place, Naalson thought that he'd be a pleasant tumble. The boredom of walking into the building and to the interview was enough that his attention was beginning to wander. The red haired man shook his head slightly and blinked his peridot green eyes as though waking out of a brief doze. They came to a door that was unlabled and standing partly open. He walked into the room and sat down across from the desk. He crossed his long legs and watched as the generically handsome secretary left the office. Naalson knew that the entire experience for the secretary was so mundane that it was goign to be forgotten. It was part of the entire plan and what he had put together. A little bit of forgetfulness because the phone system at the entrance was about to go down would definintely be enough to make him forget about Naalson.
A small spider was crawling on the wall above the desk. Naalson smiled. “Go, child, do your work for the good of all,” he said and made a small gesture of benediction. The spider crawled under the phone. A knock at the door announced the arrival of the interviewer. As the short man with balding grey hair walked in, Naalson restrained the urge to say something pithy about the obviously bad comb over. He was here with a specific job to do. The man in the cheap brown suit, scuffed shoes, and ugly tie was clearly annoyed when Naalson didn't stand up as per typical custom. The interviewer shut the door and walked around to sit down at the desk. He rifled through a small stack of papers.
Mister Nelson,” he said and Naalson restrained the urge to grind his teeth, again. They always mispronounced his name. Instead he put on a blandly pleasantly smile. “Your credentials are excellent. Hires are only for a temporary basis at this time, however.” Naalson, steepeled his fingers before himself. “Your references include an employee in my department,” the interviewer continued in a dry tone, “Is it her that informed you of this position?”
I learned of the position through a job placement agency that had the listing.” Naalson answered and the interviewer looked up from the paperwork. “Grimnir Temporary Solutions was the company,” he continued. The interviewer looked down at the paperwork before him in confusion. The position that Naalson had applied for was one that was only on the internal network within the company. His phone interview was so excellent that the pre-interview team pushed for an actual interview. Jonas was disturbed. He wanted to put his subordinate into the position, with a few personal conditions. It didn't make him feel any better about the situation that this subordinate was the first of a list of references.The silence drew out as he absentmindedly shuffled papers in a nervous habit.
Mister Blackwell, I am not interested in wasting my time or yours today. The person I spoke to informed me that this interview was a formality. I was told that an offer would be included in the package you recieved prior to the interview. I was additionally informed that I would be working directly with you on the transitional management team,” Naalson said in a tone that was brisk and chill, “The time frame of my position is six months to a year, as was arranged by GTS. I expect that everything in your paperwork confirms this. So, my question for you is why are you not conducting the interview?”
Jonas Blackwell swallowed uncomfortably and looked down at the papers. To him they seemed gibberish. The font was unreadable, looking like incomplete stick figures in rows and collumns with a few numbers in with them. He began to sweat. “I see, Mr. Nelson,” he said, “that the time period is as you mentioned. Are you aware of the six week probationary period?” He lied. It wasn't a good lie. But it sounded good to him. Suddenly, he wanted to go back to his cubicle office. It was a snug hideyhole that let him obliquely spy on Margaret Smith all day. Today, she was wearing a very conservative black suit. As hard as she tried to hide her femininity behind that mannish suit, Jonas couldn't ignore it.
Briefly thinking of the object of his inter-office obsession calmed him and he looked through the papers again. Naalson stared at him with out moving. “There appears to be an error in the starting offer on this page,” Jonas said, trying to regain control over the situation, “The listing starts at fifty thousand dollars per term. This rate would start after the probationary period, where you begin at a standard twelve dollars and fifty cents per hour.” Thinking of the idea of Margaret forced to work close to him on a daily basis made him bold. He was sure he could make the position unappealing through enough lies. Jonas looked up from the paper before him, blinking a few times as the words in english began to take on the strange incomplete stick figures image again.
The slender, tall man sitting in the chair across from him leaned forward. “Margaret's one hell of a woman, isn't she?” Naalson said. Jonas blinked in surprise, coloring slightly. “Great legs and a real looker, if you know what I mean,” he continued, “I don't blame you for thinking those thoughts about her. I have from time to time.” Jonas set the papers down on the desk. Naalson reached up and pulled a cigarette out of his jacket pocket with his right hand. Jonas could nearly swear there wasn't one there earlier but yet now he had it in hand.
There's not smoking permitted in the building,” Jonas spluttered in his shocked surprise as Naalson snapped his fingers on his left hand and lit the cigarette. Naalson nodded and put the cigarette to his lips and took a long drag off of it. “Mister Nelson, you must extinguish that immediately or leave the building.” Jonas said in his most authoratative voice. Naalson smiled around the cigarette.
He took it out of his mouth and exhaled. The sweet scent of clove smoke was in the air. “That's the first truth you have said to me all day,” Naalson said with a chuckle. He took another drag off of the cigarette. “We're going to have an honest conversation, man to man. About my friend Margaret.” Jonas pushed a button on the phone. Static sounded over the intercomm. He did it again. “My friend fixed your phone so that we wouldn't be interrupted. Margaret was most distressed last week when she mentioned what you had done.” Jonas paled.
A man does not back a woman into a corner and try to force his hand under her skirt,” Naalson continued, his tone almost conversational, “Nor does a man try to isolate a woman and expose himself to her against her wishes. We can agree that this is not the behavior of a man, can we not, Jonas Blackwell?”
Mister Nelson, I have no idea what incident you are talking about regarding Miss Smith but we can agree that this is not correct.”
The name is Naalson, Jonas, Lopt Naalson,” the red haired man said leaning forward. Jonas couldn't figure out why the name Lopt Naalson made him so uncomfortable. He made a mental note to ask the guys at the occult club why the name seemed so ominious. The red haired man took a deep drag off of the cigarette, impossibly so. Enough so that what was originally a full cigarette was left as an ember at the end of the filter. He exhaled and the sickly sweet scent of clove washed over Jonas. “I was asked to come see you by the Hanged God,” he continued.
Jonas's stomach roiled. “My brother will be coming to see you soon enough. But, you and I are going to have a conversation first. No man lays a hand on a woman with out her consent lest he loses it. I'm sure you read something about that regarding my people. Wives were well within their rights to castrate their husbands if they assaulted them. And what did you do to Margaret?”
Frantically, Jonas attempted to connect the dots. The only hanged god he knew of was Odin. Then Jonas went pale. “Loki,” he gasped.
My name is not the answer to the question, Jonas,” the god said, “What did you do to Margaret?” Jonas slapped the button that was supposed to connect him directly to security but there was only static. He stood up quickly, knocking over the chair. Jonas looked at the door. While not an athletic man, he scrambled over the desk and to the door. He threw it open. Loki stood up and calmly began to walk after the terrified man.
As Jonas Blackwell ran for his cubicle, Loki walked after him. Every few steps or so, Jonas looked behind himself with terror. As he walked, Loki appeared to grow larger to Jonas until he was at least eight feet tall, his head just a mere foot below the ceiling. “I didn't do anything,” Jonas said as he dove into his cubicle. He slapped the buttons on the phone to call security. As he held the phone to his hear, he heard static. Loki leaned on the top of the cubicle and looked over the edge at Jonas as he cowered like a rat in a cage.
You're lying again,” he said in his conversational tone, as though talking about the weather, “You insult me with these pathetic lies to my face. Really, put some effort into it, Jonas.” Jonas stared up at him, moving to cower under his desk. “Not such a big man after all, eh, Jonas?” Loki said, pulling out another cigarette out of thin air and lighting it in that strange, mysterious way he did. “They can't see me. They only see you panicked and lying. But don't worry, I'll be gone soon enough,” Loki said.
Security came rushing with his supervisor. Margaret Smith could smell the vague suggestion of clove in the air, as though perhaps one of the security agents had a clove cigarette while on break. “Get this man out of here,” Jonas insisted, waving at where he saw Loki, “He's going to kill me. Keep him away from me.” Loki smiled as the others looked at each other in confusion.
I'm telling you, this is between you and I. Soon, between you and my brother. They can't interrupt us,” Loki purred, “Confess what you did. You'll feel better for it. They say confession is good for the soul. Margaret isn't the only poor woman you've forced yourself on.”
Lies! That's a lie! I never did that.” Jonas shrieked. Loki looked over and watched as the confusion and mild chaos over Jonas's seemingly irrational behavior spread. “Margaret lied anyways. She wanted it. She came to me!” Jonas spluttered angrily. A few people looked over at Margaret. Jonas came out from under his desk and gestured wildly at Margaret who was staring in horror. “That woman tried to seduce me, look at what she's wearing. She's been toying with me for months,” he continued. The supervisor put an arm around Margaret, who was becoming visibly distressed and lead her away. “All of them, they wanted it. They wanted me.”
The sound of a gurney being wheeled down the aisle between the cubicles with a trio of EMTs caught Loki's ear over the shocked muttering and attempts to keep people back in their cubicles. As the first of the EMTs came into space immediately before Jonas's cubicle office, Loki sent one last puff of cigarette smoke into the air. “Now you're Odin's, just like you wanted,” Loki said and then vanished. Jonas looked up at the EMT standing over him. Boarson was the name on the tag. Jonas shook his head and whimpered.
He fought the EMT and security as they tried to get him on the gurney. Eventually, he was strapped down as he screamed that he was going to die and that they had to save him. Jonas's coworkers stared as he was wheeled out. Boarson walked after the gurney with a clipboard. As he took down the pertinent information from important people, he nodded. He then tipped his blue hat in a gesture of genteel gratitude before walking for the ambulance. Somewhere a raven called.
Musical inspiration: Classical Malfunction by Pristine Stringz; Requiem - Dies Irea  from Karl Jenkins 

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Stupid cat videos are my friends.

Dear Internet,

All 5 of you who read this blog, I have something momentous to share. Stupid cat videos are fantastic because my kids will sit fascinated by them long enough that I can attempt to get some writing done. It is still hard to write, especially fiction, but I'm getting a few lines done here and there. Who knows, maybe with the start of school, my mood dysfunction may improve too. In other news, I have been randomly craving peanut butter like nobody's business and I know I'm not pregnant. I almost think that this is a new potential migraine precursor? Did diabetes change my brain so that I don't crave sugar before a migraine or am I just craving peanut butter? I don't know. But my back says there's a shift coming in the weather soon so I'm honestly not sure.